Web Presence


Visual Accounts

SiteRubixMeIf you want to make money online you need a website. But, what do you do if you’ve absolutely zero knowledge about creating a website?

This section gives you step by step training on setting up your online business website. It is suitable for everyone from absolute beginnings to experts. For experts, just dip in and out of the sections you need. For beginners, follow the course all the way through.

This course uses the Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix website system. These pages build on the training already available on the Wealthy Affiliate website so you should follow the Boot Camp course as well.

So first things first, let’s create a website. As soon as you’ve done that, come back here and we’ll configure your WordPress system so that you have all the tools necessary.


If you have any questions or comments about your Web Presence, please leave them below.

Visual Accounts


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